BLOGOS ✕ Genron

Burogosu ✕ Genron

“BLOGOS ✕ Genron presents Kenpō 2.0 wiki” was a collaborative project between BLOGOS, a news site that sent news to everyone “from politicians to students,” and Genron,a publishing and event management company established by cultural critic Hiroki Azuma. In July 2017, Japan 2.0 Thought Map Beta Volume 3 edited by Azuma was published. Azuma’s edited volume contained “Genron’s Draft of a New Constitution of Japan” written by Azuma, IT architect Masanori Kusunoki, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official Masayoshi Sakai, Legal scholar Hideaki Shirata, and sociologist Ryōsuke Nishida. BLOGOS and Genron both digitized the draft and published it on livedoor wiki. They also started a new project to compile the comments and debates related to the draft.

In the “Genron’s Draft of the New Constitution of Japan,” the Emperor is the “Head of State, and the Prime Minister is the “Head of Government.” In addition to explicitly stating the formation of the Self-Defense Force, the draft also includes a clause giving people (kokumin) and Foreign residents (jūmin) who have been in Japan legally for an extended period of time the right to vote and the right to run for office. Users on collaborative project website can view provisions edited by other users and debates among users. A message board was also created for particularly heated discussions.