Security Strategy Research Institute of Japan

Nihon Anzenhoshō Senryaku Kenkyūjo

Established in 2019 as the Security Strategy Research Institute of Japan (日本安全保障戦略研究所, SSRI), this institute is owned by National Security Research Co., Ltd. (株式会社エヌ・エス・アール), a consulting company that specializes in research related to the Self-Defense Forces (SDF).

The group was originally an internal research section founded by Nihon Gōyū Renmei (日本郷友連盟) in 2006. This website provides their policy proposals and articles by research fellows. They occasionally jointly release proposals, statements, and books with other SDF-related groups, including Nihon Gōyū Renmei. The constitutional revision proposal published under the name of Nihon Gōyū Renmei in 2006 is available on the SSRI’s website here:「憲法改正に関する提言 国防なき憲法を改正し国軍を創設せよ!」.